gogo market

Ingredients and Chef’s Homemade Products (GoGo Market)

In light of the dire pandemic scenario, we acknowledge that the general public is striving to reduce their exposure to restaurants and social gatherings. Many individuals have expressed their desire to consume high-quality Japanese cuisine but their inability to locate it. Cooks on GoGochef raced to come up with a concept for the show's premiere. In order to be delivered to customers in the form, GoGochef specifically introduced a premium bento with an elegant and distinctive appearance and exquisite food. This bento contains fresh and carefully selected ingredients that are typically used in the past and are run by experienced Japanese chefs.
-The Omakase bento got its start in this manner and the Bentos are cooked and overseen by our professional team-Tsukimi.
- In order to maintain the freshness and best quality of the ingredients, it is recommended to consume on the same day.